CurrentBody LED Anti-Acne Mask Review: Does It Really Work?
If you’re into beauty gadgets (and since you’re here, I’m guessing you are), you’ve probably seen LED light therapy masks all over social media. But if you struggle with acne—like me—you’re always on the lookout for the next best solution. The big question: do LED masks actually work for acne?
I’ve tested a few, including the Solawave Bye Acne Spot Treatment (which combines blue and red light therapy), the Solawave 4-in-1 Skincare Wand (red light therapy), and the HigherDose Red Light Face Mask. While they each have their perks, I found spot-treating with the Solawave device tedious, and the HigherDose mask only offers red light—not blue light, which is key for acne.
That’s why I wanted to try the CurrentBody LED Anti-Acne Mask (Series 1) next. Full disclosure: I reached out to CurrentBody, and they generously gifted me the mask, but this review is 100% honest and not sponsored. So, does it live up to the hype? Let’s dive in! Note that this blog post contains affiliate links, so if you decide to buy any of the products below, I will get a small commission, which supports the blog. :)
What makes the Currentbody LED Anti-Acne Mask good for acne prone skin?
Currentbody is known for their effective red light therapy devices and other beauty tech, so you can be certain if you purchase a device from them, that it will be high quality and science backed. On their website, Currentbody states “For over 15 years, we have pioneered the fastest-growing category in beauty, successfully incorporating key aesthetic technologies used in clinics into safe, effective, at-home devices. Through our commitment to independent clinical testing and collaboration with doctors, world-renowned dermatologists, high-profile aestheticians and biological science university faculties, we ensure the efficacy and safety of all our products.” The LED Anti-Acne Mask has 633nm red light wavelength that’s been shown to calm inflammation and assist healing (SO needed to post acne hyperpigmentation!) and it also has blue light at 415nm which helps kill acne causing bacteria inside the breakout. I also love that this mask is easy to use, non-invasive and gentle on my very sensitive, rosacea prone skin.
How to use this mask:
The Currentbody LED Anti-Acne Mask Series 1 has very specific instructions on how it should be used: up to 5 times per week, only 10 minutes per day on bare, clean skin. They also recommend starting slow, which I did, by using the mask only 3 times per week, and then increasing to 5 times. The mask has an automatic shutoff after 10 minutes, so you don’t have to worry about loosing track of time. Using the mask consistently is the recommended best way to experience real results and improvements with your acne. They also recommend using the eye protection provided in the box and/or closing your eyes, as you should not look into blue light as it can be potentially harmful.
My experience and review:
I’ve had this mask for nearly three months now, so I feel like I’ve given it a considerable amount of time to see if the mask can make a difference or not. For reference, I have very acne prone skin, and even though I’ve gotten my acne under control (I experience only milder acne now), I still get skin congestion and breakouts easily if I try a product that doesn’t agree with my skin, or my hormones fluctuate OR if I eat something that spikes my glucose levels too much (think: cookies LOL). So, did this mask work for me?? Well, ever since I’ve started using the Currentbody Anti-Acne Mask, my skin has been so much clearer, glowier, my acne heals a lot faster, and overall I have a lot less skin congestion. I also think it’s worked really great for acne prevention and oil control. It’s also so much easier to pop on the mask on my entire face and be done in 10 minutes, as opposed to spot treating blemishes for 3 minutes each, like I did with the Solawave Bye Acne device (although I still love this for travel). If I was being nitpicky, I’d say the mask didn’t sit comfortably on my nose, but this will depend on your face and nose shape, of course. I am SO impressed with my results, that I’m now curious to try the Series 2 mask Currentbody just came out with, which is supposed to be even more effective than the Series 1 mask I reviewed here. You can get 10% off Currentbody by using my code GREENBOOTLIFE and shopping the mask via this link here. Here’s to glowing, blemish free skin!
P.S. If you’d like to know all the ways I can my acne at bay, follow me on Instagram, and check out my morning skincare routine here and my evening skincare routine here.